Seven Tips for Spring Cleaning your Central Heating System.

April 12, 2024

After a very wet March, it feels like spring has finally sprung. Apart from longer and warmer days, this can only mean one thing... Spring cleaning!

The Spring is an excellent time to declutter and deep clean our homes after hibernating through a cold and wet winter. Washing the windows, cleaning out the fridge and sorting out your wardrobe might be top of your list. But one thing that often gets missed off people’s spring cleaning to do lists is cleaning their Central Heating System. As we begin to switch our heating off and get ready for the summer months it is important to make sure that you inspect and deep clean your Central Heating System. Here’s a few handy tips:

1. Adjust your thermostat  

Hopefully, you’ve noticed your house is beginning to warm up. This probably means it is time to turn your thermostat down, especially in south facing rooms that get flooded with sunlight for most of the day. If you’re still feeling a chill in the air in your home, why not try turning your thermostat down just 1 degree, chances are you won’t be able to feel the difference but will certainly see the difference on your bills.

2. Check your radiators

Chances are your radiators have been working hard over the winter months. Bleeding your radiators at the start of spring will release any trapped air and make sure your heating system is functioning properly. A good way to see if a radiator needs bleeding is to check for any cold spots, especially at the bottom. You might want to do this before you turn your thermostat down!) But it is a good idea to give bleeding them a go now to avoid problems in the autumn when your heating is needed, and you turn them back on.

3. Don’t forget to give your radiators a deep clean

While you’re at it give your radiators a good dust and deep clean. Keeping on top of cleaning your radiators over the summer is a good way to avoid that burning smell that you often get when you first turn your radiators on when the temperatures drop later in the year.

4. Look for leaks and noises

While boiler and hot water system leaks can occur year-round, they are more likely post-winter. As temperatures rise, frozen pipes expand and may rupture, leading to leaks. Basic boiler inspections, like checking the seals and ensuring proper connections, can help identify potential issues. Unusual sounds like gurgling or bubbling may indicate a problem and require assistance from a qualified Gas Safety engineer.

5. Book a boiler service

Servicing your boiler annually is a good way to help avoid costly emergency call outs. Ideally boilers should be serviced every year, to maintain them and ensure they are functioning safely and at full capacity. Spring and summer are the best times of year to do it. By having it serviced now and maintaining it in good functioning condition over the summer, you can help avoid any unpleasant shocks next winter.

6. Consider a boiler upgrade

Spring is also a really good time to replace your boiler. With boilers under less strain, they are less likely to break down, meaning boiler engineers aren’t as busy are they are in the winter months. So, if a boiler upgrade is on your to do list, consider doing it in the warmer months when there is less demand for boiler engineers, and less of a waiting list. If it’s been serviced regularly, a boiler should last between ten and fifteen years. But if your boiler is on the older side it might be financially prudent, in the long run, to replace it. Modern central heating systems are considerably more energy efficient and also, the older a boiler gets the less efficient it can become and therefore cost you more than it should in energy bills.

7. Take out boiler insurance

If you want peace of mind to ensure you’ll never be left in the cold with a broken boiler, why not consider taking out cover through our partner HomeServe? The range of cover starts at just £1 a month in the first year for plumbing and drainage insurance, which will cover you for problems with your water supply pipe and Plumbing and drainage problems in your home. However, the wider range of products includes gas boiler and central heating cover, which handily includes a free boiler service in the first year. Visit the product comparison page to find insurance cover that best meets your needs.